Modified starches are widely used in the food industry for various reasons, primarily to enhance the performance and characteristics of food products. These starches undergo chemical or physical modifications, altering their native properties to suit specific applications. While there may be concerns about their safety, when used in accordance with regulations and industry standards, modified starches are generally considered safe to eat.
One of the main reasons for using modified starches in food is their ability to improve texture and consistency. Native starches can result in undesirable qualities like excessive gelling, syneresis, or a gritty mouthfeel. By modifying the starch, manufacturers can achieve smoother textures, reduce moisture loss, and create stable emulsions, making food products more palatable and visually appealing.
Another advantage of modified starches is their increased tolerance to heat and acidity. Native starches can break down or lose their thickening properties when exposed to high temperatures or acidic conditions. In contrast, modified starches can withstand harsh processing conditions, such as in canned or frozen foods, without compromising the desired texture or stability.
Furthermore, modified starches contribute to cost-effective production. They act as functional additives, reducing the need for expensive ingredients and providing an economical means of achieving desired product characteristics. Additionally, they can replace fats, improve the freeze-thaw stability of products, and enhance shelf life, which can lead to reduced waste and lower production costs.