Classic Uses of Cassava Starch

  1. Pearls in Bubble Tea Bubble tea, a globally popular Taiwanese beverage, features chewy "pearls" made from cassava starch. These bouncy balls add a unique texture to the sweet milk tea.


    1. Ingredients: 100g cassava starch, 50g brown sugar, 50ml water
    • Mix brown sugar and water, heating until dissolved.
    • Add cassava starch to the pot, stirring to form a dough.
    • Roll the dough into small balls, boil them until they float, then cook for another 5 minutes.
    • Remove and cool in cold water before adding to milk tea.
  1. Southeast Asian Coconut Tapioca Pudding Tapioca pudding is a classic Southeast Asian dessert, combining small tapioca pearls with coconut milk and sugar for a refreshing treat, perfect for summer.


    • Ingredients: 100g tapioca pearls, 200ml coconut milk, 50g sugar, water as needed
    • Boil tapioca pearls for 10-15 minutes until translucent.
    • Cool the pearls in cold water.
    • Heat coconut milk and sugar until dissolved, then mix in the tapioca pearls.
  1. Vietnamese Fried Spring Rolls Vietnamese fried spring rolls are a popular dish with a crispy outer layer and rich filling. Using cassava starch makes the spring roll wrappers extra crispy.


    • Ingredients: 10 spring roll wrappers, 200g ground pork, 50g wood ear mushrooms, 50g carrots, 50g cassava starch, 1 egg, salt, and pepper to taste
    • Chop wood ear mushrooms and carrots, then mix with ground pork, cassava starch, egg, salt, and pepper.
    • Wrap the mixture in spring roll wrappers.
    • Heat oil to 180°C, fry spring rolls until golden and crispy, then drain.
  1. Cassava Cake Cassava cake is a traditional dessert with a rich coconut flavor, commonly found in Southeast Asian cuisine. It has a soft and chewy texture, beloved by many.


    • Ingredients: 200g cassava flour, 300ml coconut milk, 100g sugar
    • Mix cassava flour, coconut milk, and sugar until smooth.
    • Pour into a mold and steam for 30 minutes until set.
    • Cool, then cut into pieces for serving.


Cassava starch not only plays a significant role in Southeast Asian cuisine but is also making its way into kitchens around the world. Whether it's desserts, main dishes, or snacks, cassava starch can add unique textures and flavors to your culinary creations. Through this article, I hope you gain a better understanding and appreciation for cassava starch, and are inspired to cook up more delicious dishes. Enjoy the joy of cooking and savor the beauty of life!

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